It's that time of year again, when drivers get into their vehicles thinking it's 72 degrees and sunny. Perfect weather for a drive.
But wait a tick -- it's snowing, windy and 20 degrees.
Let me tell you something. It isn't a great day for a drive. In fact, it's downright terrible. So stop driving like it's the middle of the summer.
Another pet peeve of mine involves drivers who don't understand the rules of the road. Just because you have your driver's license doesn't mean it's your way, or the highway. (Very pun-y.)
Here are a few reminders I think drivers should follow, particularly during inclement weather.
1. Wear a seatbelt. Personally, I don't believe people should be ticketed for this offence. You're just putting yourself in danger. But it might just save your life.
2. Don't talk on your cell phone. I'm guilty of this on occasion, although I avoid at all costs, talking or texting when it's raining or snowing. If you really have to use your phone, get in the right lane, or pull over.
3. Use your blinker when you're turning or passing someone. This is especially important when you have three or more lanes of highway to drive on. I can't read your mind, give me some visuals.
4. I SAY -- slow the fuck down. Generally, I enjoy going about 10 mph over the speed limit. Not so if the weather sucks. I'm all for defensive driving, but I can only control my own car. Don't put my life in jeopardy by driving like a maniac.
5. Do NOT tailgate. The reason I slowed down was to avoid an accident and make sure I could maintain control of my vehicle, not so you could ride my ass. You hinder my ability to drive safely by touching bumpers and making sure your pearly whites are right in my FUCKING REAR VIEW MIRROR.
6. Don't tap your brakes incessantly. I can see the traffic ahead of you. You have eight car lengths of freedom. Don't make me white-knuckled and nervous every time the car in front of you hits the brakes. First take your foot of the gas and coast. It might also help you avoid swerving all over the place.
7. The left lane is for faster moving traffic. Although it's not a law, every time I drive longer distances, I come across at least two dozen assholes who don't know how to share the road with other drivers. The left lane is a passing lane. It should be used only in the event that the car in front of you is going slower than you. In which case -- use your blinker, move over, pass and go BACK TO THE RIGHT LANE.
Is the DeepSeek Panic Overblown?
5 hours ago
7. I hate people that ride in the left lane ALL THE TIME. I don't get it, what do you think your doing? Do you think that your so much faster then everyone? I never knew any of these people until Weeks drove me to door county. During our 2 hour drive he was in the right lane for maybe 5-10 minutes total. Then cursed like a sailor whenever someone was in the left lane and didn't get out of his way. I wanted to push him out of the car going 60. (no offense weeks)
5. I have to say I tailgate. I would be blatantly lieing if I said I didn't. If I use your recommended "8 car lengths" then jackasses from the other lane just step in front of me. The only way to guarantee my spot in line is to make sure that if someone wants to cut me off it's a near suicidal move.
1. Should always be on, regardless of weather. I used to hate seatbelts, but trust me, if you start making yourself wear it, within a month you will feel naked without it. It's easy, and comfortable once you do it regularly.
How about the people that think that stop signs are optional when there's snow on the ground. SLOW THE FUCK DOWN SO YOU DON'T RUN ME OVER ON MY WAY INTO THE BUILDING.
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