On any given day, the office I work at might get two to three vendors stopping in to drop off product orders and goods for our branch. The FedEx guy, the Alterra Coffee dude, the Otis Spunkmeyer cookie man. In the winter, Luis the rug guy even picks up the soiled carpets every other week.
All these people – 100 percent of which are men, from my sample size – drive around southeast Wisconsin delivering and distributing goods for their company. They all may work for large corporations, but they drive a truck for eight to 12 hours a day, most of which is windshield time by themselves. No wonder they can’t stop talking when they see another human being.
Today the Otis Spunkmeyer man, Donnie, stopped in. He dropped off the cookies, and started talking about his company and the changes since their merger with a company in Sweden, and how banks aren’t what they used to be, and how he tried to buy a Lexus, and when he owned his liquor store a few years ago … I got half this guy’s life story in our 10 minute conversation (or lecture? I didn’t do much talking).
I can appreciate what they do, but I’ll take a cubicle in an office over a truck, any day.
As much as I like going for drives I can't imagine driving across the country in a big rig like that. It would be terrifying.
Driving a truck for half a day can definitely be tiresome and boring. This is why some truck drivers talk a lot when they’re traveling around with a companion. They usually do this to keep awake while driving. Also, the job itself is very difficult, and getting a license requires a tremendous amount of studying and training. They are also responsible for inspecting their truck for mechanical concerns to ensure that the vehicle is in good working order.
Humberto Decius
OK good.i like your post.
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