Thursday, July 24, 2008

Check please!

There are some jobs everyone should try, in order to respect their fellow mensch.

I've worked in a call center for a bank (never, ever, ever again). My inaugural employment started by serving Big Macs (I still have a tie-dyed "Get Back With Big Mac" t-shirt. Somewhere. We had to wear Lennon-esque shades. It was torture). My high school job consisted of learning every department of our local grocery store (They made me wear a band-aid over my nose ring.)

Last night, I waitressed for the sixth time in my life. I was the only one serving food, with tables of 10 requesting to eat. Chaos. In general, food service is the most under-appreciated, sweat-inducing, high-stressed job.

Wisconsin employees earn $6.50 per hour for minimum wage. Servers earn $2.33 per hour. That's almost one-third the regular amount. Theory is, we're earning tips.

First, you get drinks. Then you take their order. Bring ketchup and condiments. Don't forget napkins, and silverware. If they want a refill? Tough. You wanted a water, with lemon -- and no ice? It's water, honey. Oh, heavy on the Bacardi in your rum & coke? I'm sorry, take it up with the bartender. You want your appetizer before the actual meal? Nope.

You're at the mercy of the cook, because they control the food. I can apologize, bring more napkins and refill drinks... but that doesn't cook the food faster. Or make it more tasty.

Until now, I took servers for granted. I tipped the general 15 percent for a decent meal. Not anymore.

The next time you eat out, and your server brings you ketchup with the meal or asks if you need a refill without prompting; return the favor by paying her back. Literally.

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