Friday, July 25, 2008

The Toof

I don't think I lost all my baby teeth. In fourth grade, I remember having loose teeth and waiting for them to fall out... but I have a memory lapse -- I got braces in fifth grade (and had them until junior year of high school; I was THAT big of a nerd.)

Did I lose all of them? What if I still have teeth that are going to fall out?

Why do we only have one set of teeth? After you're seven years old, you're stuck with the ones you've got. Too bad if they get knocked out, get cavities, or rot out of your mouth.

I'm not much for dream interpretation, but I distinctly remember reading that dreams about teeth falling out mean a change in your life. Not sure if it's just a big, upcoming event, or a change you hope to implement.

A couple weeks ago, I had one of those dreams. Like most, I can't remember everything that happened. I've probably had about half a dozen dreams about teeth, ever.

Does that mean I didn't lose all my baby teeth? Is change coming? Am I crazy?

I don't know; but, I did decide to cut my hair last week.

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