Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Autumn atmosphere

It's that time again.

When you drive to work in the morning cranking the heat because it's 40 degrees outside, but by the afternoon you have your sleeves rolled up and the windows rolled down.

Kids go back to school. Days get shorter. Thunderstorms start with cold rain and continue with three-day overcast skies. Leaves start to change color. Sweatshirts and jeans become a permanent weekend wardrobe. The onset of hibernation begins. And I love it.

It's the season that smells best.

Now, there's nothing wrong with fired up charcoal and fresh cut grass -- but by the time September comes around, I'm grilled out and my allergies have already got the best of me.

There's nothing better than the smell of crunchy leaves and dirt. Or, the smell of my clothes after being outside near campfires or in north winds.

I can't wait for October, when Neil Young's "Harvest" won't leave my CD player, and the colors really change and start to peak.

1 comment:

Gregor said...

Jesse was saying how it's his favorite season too. Brings up good memories of years gone bye.